What We Believe

  • The Holy Scripture: accepting fully the writings of the Old and New Testaments as the inerrant Word of God, ​verbally inspired in all parts and therefore altogether sufficient as our only infallible and authoritative rule of faith ​and practice. (Psalm 119:160 Proverbs 30:5A II Timothy 3:16 II Peter 1:19-21)

  • The One True God: who is an intelligent, sovereign, spiritual and personal Being; perfect, infinite, and eternal in His ​being, holiness, and love, wisdom and power; absolutely separate from and above the world as its Creator, yet ​everywhere present in the world as the Upholder of all things. He is revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, ​three distinct persons but without division of nature, essence or being, and each having a distinct ministry in ​God's relation to His creation and people. (Genesis 1:1 Exodus 15:11 Psalm 83:18, 139:7-9 Matthew 28:19 John 10:30, ​15:26)

  • The Lord Jesus Christ: who is the second Person of the Triune God, the eternal Word and Only begotten Son; that ​without any change in His divine Person, he became man by miracle of the Virgin Birth, thus to continue forever ​as both true God and true Man, one Person with two natures; that as Man He was tempted in all points as we are, ​yet without sin; that as the perfect Lamb of God He gave Himself in death upon the cross, bearing there the sin of ​the world, and suffering its full penalty of divine wrath in our stead; that He arose from the grave in a glorified ​body; that as our great High Priest He ascended into Heaven, there to appear before the face of God as our ​Advocate and Intercessor. (John 1:1,14 John 3:16 Matthew 1:18-25 Galatians 4:4-5 Philippians 2:6-10 I Corinthians ​15:3-7 Hebrews 4:14-16 I John 2:1-2)

  • The Holy Spirit: who is the Third Person of the Trinity, and the divine Agent in nature, revelation and redemption; ​that He convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness and judgment; that He regenerates, indwells, baptizes, ​seals and anoints all who become children of God through Christ; that He further empowers, guides, teaches, ​sanctifies and fills believers who daily surrender to Him. (John 3:5 John 14:16,17,26 John 16:7-14 Romans 8:9 I ​Corinthians 12:13 II Corinthians 3:18 Ephesians 1:13, 5:18)

  • All Men Are By Nature And Choice Sinful And Lost: that man was the direct creation of God, made in His image ​and likeness; that by personal disobedience to the revealed will of God, man became a sinful creature, the father ​of a fallen race which is universally sinful in both nature and practice, thus alienated from the life and family of ​God, under the righteous judgment and wrath of God, and has within himself no possible means of salvaion. ​(Genesis 1:27, 3:6 Psalm 51:5 Romans 3:23, 5:12,19 Galatians 3:11)